1. Major Chords
Sound: Major chords sound bright, happy, and stable. They are often used to convey positive emotions. So, think major "happy"
Example: C Major chord consists of the notes C, E, and G.
Here are a list of major chords!
C Major: C E G
Db or C# Major: Db F Ab
D Major: D F#A
Eb Major: Eb G Bb
E Major: E G# B
F Major: F A C
Gb or F# Major: F# A# C#
G Major: G B D
Ab Major: Ab C Eb
A Major: A C# E
Bb Major: Bb D F
B Major: B D# F#

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2. Minor Chords
Structure: Take a major chord and lower the 3rd note a half step!
Sound: Minor chords sound sad, melancholic, or somber. They are often used to convey emotions like sorrow or tension.
Example: C Minor chord consists of the notes C, E♭, and G.
For example, to make C major turn into C minor C major = CEG; C minor (Cm) would be = C Eb G
Here are a list of minor chords:
C Minor: C Eb G (You might see it written: Cm)
Db or C# Minor: Db Fb Ab
D Minor: D F A
Eb Minor: Eb Gb Bb
E Minor: E G B
F Minor: F Ab C
Gb or F# Minor: F# A C#
G Minor: G Bb D
Ab Minor: Ab Cb Eb
A Minor: A C E
Bb Minor: Bb Db F
B Minor: B D F#
"Fun with Chords" Books on Amazon: https://a.co/d/akTLidO (author and affiliate)
"Fun with Chords" Sheet Music: https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/en/product/fun-with-chords-finger-exercise-collection-22031100.html
3. Diminished Chords
Structure: A diminished chord is built from a root note, a minor third (3 semitones above the root), and a diminished fifth (6 semitones above the root, or one semitone lower than a perfect fifth). Thank you Chat GPT!
Sound: Diminished chords sound tense, unstable, and dissonant. They are often used to create a sense of unease or to lead into another chord.
Example: C Diminished chord consists of the notes C, E♭, and G♭.
In other words, to make a diminished chord, lower the 3rd and 5th of a major chord!
What is the different between major, minor, and diminished?
Here is a sample!
C Major = C E G
C Minor = C Eb G
C Diminished = C Eb Gb
Another sample!
D Major: D F# A
D Minor: D F A
D Diminished: D F Ab
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Thank you to Canva and some assistance from Chat GPT!